Arabian Peninsula

Fight Against Poverty

On the Arabian Peninsula, we are working in one of the poorest countries in the world in which, according to the UN, the crisis became one of the worst in the world due to bombing and civil war. More than 80 % of the population are suffering under a terrible famine, above all women and children. Several million internally displaced persons have lost everything. Families are battling for their existence, there is hardly any opportunity to earn money, the supply situation is catastrophic, and international aid is often encumbered by the warring parties. The poor drinking water situation has led to a number of avoidable diseases such as cholera.

Together with our local partners and the authorities, we provide urgently needed drinking water and food aid, emergency medical aid, shelter for displaced persons as well as promotion of school and further education for children, young people and women. Education for women in particular helps them to contribute to the survival of their families. The children and young people partially come from marginalized population groups such as the descendants of African slaves. These are ostracized by society, but through schooling they gain the prospect of a future in which they can work in respected professions. Furthermore, schools keep children away from militias that would otherwise train and use them as child soldiers.

Another focus of SwissRelief is peace and reconciliation work as well as trust building between conflict parties in order to sow hope. This also includes trainings in leadership skills which aim to pass on leadership models that do not end in war, but in non-violent conflict resolution, to the future generation. Furthermore, courses on dealing with trauma are held.

Bild: Fight Against Poverty