
Education and Health

We realize several projects in India, including: school education, literacy, support in income generation, informing people about their rights and opportunities as employees, trainings in agriculture and health, programs for women, vaccinations, dental treatments as well as awareness programs on hygiene, cleanliness, child labor and human trafficking.

In one health camp, 18 primary school students participated. They received hygiene kits with a toothbrush, toothpaste and soap, and a pharmacist volunteered to teach them about the importance of hygiene and education. Another health camp was attended by high school students. They received medical check-ups and free medicine. The camp staff visit their school regularly and raise awareness about various health issues.

Another project is training women from a Muslim environment on how to plant a vegetable garden. It is explained to them that fresh, organic, homegrown vegetables are much healthier and cheaper. They are also given various seeds to plant in their own garden. The enthusiasm of the participants is clearly visible and most of them afterwards decide to plant their own vegetable garden.

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